The media giant of Kerala, Mathrubhumi will soon publish Superstar Mohanlal's collection of blog writings. The actor who identified social media and blog as a tool for social activism has been for quite some time scripting some with immense responses. This has prompted Mathrubhumi to publish them as a book, named as HRIDAYATHINTE KAIOPPU. The book will feature 34 jottings from 'Onnichu Oru Puzha Ozhukum' to the latest 'Ormayil Randu Ammamar' written as a protest to the T.P. Chandrasekharan's Killings.
Lal notes in the preface of the book, "I have lived as another person, as a doctor, as a singer, as a driver and so on for the major part of my life. Now, I long for becoming myself at some moments. I want to be person calledMohanlal..."
The book will be released by longtime friend of Lal, ace director Priyadarshan by giving a copy to Sathyan Anthikkad.
Lal notes in the preface of the book, "I have lived as another person, as a doctor, as a singer, as a driver and so on for the major part of my life. Now, I long for becoming myself at some moments. I want to be person calledMohanlal..."
The book will be released by longtime friend of Lal, ace director Priyadarshan by giving a copy to Sathyan Anthikkad.
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